Culture is a buzz word, but underneath it is an important concept: companies play an important role in providing purpose and meaning to their employee's work. Working in corporate responsibility prior to becoming a consultant at Propeller, Maura Koehler-Hanlon became fascinated by how companies approach this challenge. Through some research, Maura stumbled upon Imperative, an organization that leads the largest research and innovation effort on purpose for the workforce. As a new mom, she then found herself participating in a study that Imperative was conducting with Mom Warrior to examine the connection between purpose at work and purpose as a parent. Through the study, she had the opportunity to reflect on how she finds value in her work, and how that's grown and adapted since becoming a mother. 

In a recent blog post for Mom Warrior, Maura shares the details of her parenting and career journey. 


As a quilter, Maura Koehler-Hanlon has come to love the arc of creation. In many ways, piecing together a quilt is a process that mirrors project work: She starts with an idea and set of requirements, sketches out plans, finalizes a design, sews the first square, adjusts as needed, learns from the inevitable mis-stiches, builds and finishes.  The process marries creativity with planning, and it never fails to surprise her along the way. Quilting is just one way Maura seeks to make order out of chaos — she also thrives on solving tough problems and simplifying processes. She also recognizes that the best solutions can’t be achieved without leveraging the strengths of the people you are working with. Maura holds a bachelor’s degree in international studies from Macalaster College.